Dr Scott Russell Podiatry & Orthotics Blog
Podiatrist, Custom Orthotics Specialist in Vancouver, Delta, Surrey, BC & Sherwood Park, Calgary, AB
The Five Best Ways to Prevent Food Odor
What are the 5 Foot Care Tips to Tackle Foot Odor Like a Pro?
Foot odor can be embarrassing, sure, but it's also very common, and in many cases, it's entirely preventable. The good news is that with the right care, you can stop worrying about your feet stinking up your shoes and keep your toes as fresh as a summer breeze. So, let’s dive into the five best ways to prevent foot odor and get you feeling confident and comfortable again!
Why Shockwave Therapy Works So Well
In the past, treating conditions like chronic tendinitis or plantar fasciitis often meant invasive procedures, including surgery. These treatments could require significant downtime, anesthesia, and a long healing process.
Is Heel Pain: A Sign Of Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis can cause severe heel pain. Our expert podiatrist, Dr. Scott Russell, can treat this condition at the Dr Scott Russell Podiatry & Orthotics, at our Vancouver, Delta, Surrey, BC & Sherwood Park, Calgary, AB locations. Schedule an appointment today.
Are You Struggling with Foot Arch Pain?
Your arches are composed of a transverse section and two longitudinal sections that combine to cover the bottom of your foot. The interaction of these segments of the arch with the many tendons, muscles, and other foot components leads to many opportunities for arch pain to develop.
Steps To Ankle Sprain Recovery
Ankle sprains are not a light foot injury for some. They seem to happen quickly and without much warning. It does happen to many people and you could experience mild to severe pain depending on how bad you sprained your ankle.
Two Top Signs You Need A Podiatrist
When things change slowly over time, sometimes it becomes pretty hard for us to notice. Maybe someone else will notice before you do, but what if they don’t say anything? Then this small foot issue that is changing slowly but is left to become a big issue will just stress you out in the future.
Help For Morton’s Neuroma
A Neuroma is a benign tumor that cultivates from the fibrous outer layers of a nerve, particularly in the foot. It can cause a variety of sensations due to the sporadic nature of an injured nerve, one of which is unfortunately severe discomfort from a pinched nerve in between the toes.
Tips for Geriatric Foot Care
Geriatric foot care is very important to senior healthcare as it can mean a safeguard from troublesome foot problems. Seniors are at high risk for ailments such as heel pain, ingrown toenails, nail fungus, bunions, corns, calluses and complications due to arthritis or diabetes.
What to Do about Bunions
Most of us are familiar with bunions and how they appear. They usually appear as lumps or an abnormal enlargement on the joint at the base of your big toe. Bunions can also be painful which causes discomfort especially when wearing closed shoes.
Custom Orthotics Benefits
Can Custom Molded Orthotics Help Me? Custom Molded Orthotics slip into your shoes to improve your foot movement and lead to increased comfort, stability, and mobility. Clinical research has demonstrated that podiatrist-prescribed orthotics decrease foot pain and improve function.